TCS2315 GPRS手机解决方案
TI is M-Shield security technology includes secure read-only
memory (ROM), unique hardware-based public keys, and other
protection measures to safeguard valuable information, data
and software stored on a handset, including sensitive personal
information of handset owners as well as the device is boot
code and other critical firmware modules provided by the
handset manufacturer. The investment handset manufacturers
have made in developing software and other intellectual
property (IP) is protected against piracy and the handset
itself is safeguarded against malicious attackers attempting
to install viruses, worms and other unwanted software on the
device.Fabricating the “LoCosto ULC” solutions with 65-nm process
technology as well as several other chip- and system-level
cost optimization techniques all contribute to the device is
sustainable ULC characteristics. For example, the electronic
bill of materials (eBOM) for an entry-level ULC handset is
reduced by up to 25 percent with the “LoCosto ULC” solutions
compared with the previous generation. Additionally,
fabricating the chip at a smaller process node means that the
chip itself is substantially smaller. This, along with
component reduction, reduces the size of a handset is PCB,
lowering the manufacturing cost of the cell phone. Integration
of the power management with the digital baseband into a
single chip also yields reduction in the modem PCB area.
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