ARM Cortex-A53处理器详细介绍
mplete on-chip debug and correlated, real-time trace visibility for all cores of the Cortex-A53 MPCore processor, reducing risk and speeding development of high quality multiprocessing software. The new AMBA 4 Cache Coherent Network (CCN) provides Optimum system bandwidth and latency. The CCN provides AMBA 4 AXI Coherency Extensions (ACE) compliant ports for full coherency between multiple Cortex-A53 MPCore processors, better utilizing caches and simplifying software development. This feature is essential for high bandwidth applications including gaming, servers and networking that require clusters of coherent single and multicore processors. Combined with the ARM CoreLink network interconnect and memory controller IP, the CCN increases system performance and power efficiency.
物理 IP
ARM Physical IP Platforms deliver process optimized IP, for best-in-class implementations of the Cortex-A53 processor at 40nm and below. A set of high performance Optimization Packs (POP) containing advanced ARM Physical IP for 28nm technologies supports the Cortex-A53, to enabling rapid development of leadership physical implementations. ARM is also working early to assure a roadmap to 20nm optimizations. Optimization packs support ARM’s strategy of offering specifically targeted Physical IP to enable Partners to achieve tuned implementations of ARM cores. ARM is uniquely able to design the optimization packs in parallel with the Cortex-A53 MPCore processor architecture, enabling the processor and physical IP combination to deliver workstation class performance in a mobile power envelope while facilitating rapid time-to-market.
The ARM Development Suite 5 (DS-5) tool suite fully supports all ARM processors as well as a wide range of third party tools, operating systems and EDA flows. ARM DS-5 software development tools are unique in their ability to provide solutions that take full advantage of the complete ARM technology portfolio. The ARM Development Studio 5 (DS-5) provides a complete range of software tools to create, debug and optimize systems based on the Cortex-A53 MPCore processor. It incorporates the DS-5 Debugger, whose powerful and intuitive graphical environment enables fast debugging of bare metal, Linux and Android native applications. In addition, its new ARM Streamline Performance Analyzer simplifies the identification of hot spots in software and load balancing between cores. The ARM Compiler, which already includes specific optimizations for the Cortex-A15 MPCore processor, enables early software development before silicon availability and an ARM Versatile Reference Virtual Platform built on ARM Fast Models technology. This Virtual Platform is available for a free 6-month evaluation.
The Mali family of products combine to provide the complete graphics stack for all embedded graphics needs, enabling device manufacturers and content developers to deliver the highest quality, cutting edge graphics solutions across the broadest range of consumer devices.
ARM training courses and Active Assist on-site system-design advisory services enable licensees to integrate efficiently the Cortex-A53 MPCore processor into their design to realize maximum system performance with lowest risk and fastest time-to-market.
ARM Cortex-A57与Cortex-A53整体概述摘要:新款ARMv8架构ARM Cortex-A50处理器系列产品,进一步扩大ARM在高性能与低功耗领域的领先地位。该系列率先推出的是Cortex-A53与Cortex-A57处理器以及最新节能64位处理技术与现有32位处理技术的扩展升级。
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