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时间:06-08 来源:3721RD 点击:


目前,高通占据3G/4G移动市场61%的份额。这一数字基于市场调研机构Strategy Analytics提供的营收数据。尽管这个数字仍很壮观,但跟去年同期的数据比,已经从当时的66%有所下降。

要知道3G/4G半导体市场容量实现了27%的年度增长,达到58亿美元。高通在2012年迅速投入4G LTE技术,此时这一技术正开始被大范围采用。抢占先机帮助该公司远超竞争对手,高通为一些重要的智能手机厂商提供LTE 芯片,这其中就包括苹果公司。

Qualcomm, Inc. (NASDAQ:QCOM) is still at the first position in terms of market share in cellular radios, but the company’s competitors are trying to bridge the share gap. Cellular radios link smartphones to wireless networks.

At present, the semi-conductor company holds 61% of the global 3G/4G mobile market. The percentage is based on revenues according to Strategy Analytics, a market research firm. Although it’s an astounding figure, it fell from 66% that was reported during the same quarter, last year.

It should be noted that the total 3G/4G semiconductor market is on a growth trajectory, and has risen to $5.8 billion, depicting a 27% year-over-year (YoY) increase. Qualcomm was quick to jump in the 4G LTE technology market in 2012, when the technology was becoming widely adopted. This early initiative helped the company grab a lead over its rivals, as it supplied LTE cellular chips to smartphone vendors, which included Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL).

Sravan Kundojjala, the associate director of strategy analytics, spoke about the development, and stated that competitors would eventually catch up, and take some of Qualcomm’s market. He said: "The wait for the strong No. 2 player in the LTE baseband market is over and MediaTek has now firmly established itself as a solid No. 2 to Qualcomm."

In terms of LTE radio market share, Qualcomm is on top again, with 70% market share in the first quarter. MediaTek holds the second place, and has a 10 % share. Last year, during the same quarter, Qualcomm commanded an even higher LTE market share – at 90% – whereas last year, MediaTek was not shipping LTE radio devices in large numbers.

Qualcomm suffered a setback when Samsung Group (OTCMKTS:SSNLF) started to develop its own 4G LTE radio chip for the new flagship Galaxy S6 series. Samsung has a substantial share in the smartphone market, and ships millions of its S6 and S6 Edge devices. This helped the company jump to third place in the LTE market.

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