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Rhythm R3710预配置DSP系统实践应用指南

时间:07-14 来源:3721RD 点击:

1:3 expansion ratio) for listener comfort. This scheme operates in quiet listening environments (programmable threshold) to reduce the gain at very low levels. When the Squelch and AFC are both enabled it is highly recommended that the Squelch be turned on in all channels and that the Squelch thresholds be set above the microphone noise floor (see Adaptive Feedback Canceller).

The number of compression channels is programmable in ARKonline?and can be 1, 2, 4, 6 or 8.

Graphic Equalizer

Rhythm R3710 has a 16−band graphic equalizer. The bands are spaced linearly at 500 Hz intervals, except for the first and the last band, and each one provides up to 24 dB of gain adjustment in 1 dB increments.

Biquad Filters

Additional frequency shaping can be achieved by configuring generic biquad filters. The transfer function for each of the biquad filters is as follows:

Note that the a0 coefficient is hard−wired to always be ‘1’. The coefficients are each 16 bits in length and include one sign bit, one bit to the left of the decimal point, and 14 bits to the right of the decimal point. Thus, before quantization, the floating−point coefficients must be in the range −2.0 £ x < 2.0 and quantized with the function:

After designing a filter, the quantized coefficients can be entered into the PreBiquads or PostBiquads tab in the Interactive Data Sheet. The coefficients b0, b1, b2, a1, and a2 are as defined in the transfer function above. The parameters meta0 and meta1 do not have any effect on the signal processing, but can be used to store additional information related to the associated biquad.

The underlying code in the product components automatically checks all of the filters in the system for stability (i.e., the poles have to be within the unit circle) before updating the graphs on the screen or programming the coefficients into the hybrid. If the Interactive Data Sheet receives an exception from the underlying stability checking code, it automatically disables the biquad being modified and display a warning message. When the filter is made stable again, it can be re−enabled.

Also note that in some configurations, some of these filters may be used by the product component for microphone/telecoil compensation, low−frequency EQ, etc. If this is the case, the coefficients entered by the user into IDS are ignored and the filter designed by the software is programmed instead. For more information on filter design refer to the Biquad Filters In Paragon Digital Hybrid information note.

Volume Control and Switches

External Volume Control

The volume of the device can either be set statically via software or controlled externally via a physical interface.

Rhythm R3710 supports both analog and digital volume control functionality, although only one can be enabled at a time. Digital control is supported with either a momentary switch or a rocker switch. In the latter case, the rocker switch can also be used to control memory selects.

Analog Volume Control

The external volume control works with a three−terminal 100 k

– 360 k

variable resistor. The volume control can have either a log or linear taper, which is selectable via software. It is possible to use a VC with up to 1 M

of resistance, but this could result in a slight decrease in the resolution of the taper.

Digital Volume Control

The digital volume control makes use of two pins for volume control adjustment, VC and D_VC, with momentary switches connected to each. Closure of the switch to the

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