help on finding a paper
can any one help me to find this paper:
H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz,
"Broadband highly selective bandpass filter based on a tapered coupled-resonator (TCR) CRLH structure,"
Special issue Microwave Metamaterials: Theory, Fabrication and Applications, Proc. of the European Microwave Association, J. Eur. Microwave Association, vol. 2, pp. 44-51, March 2006.
H. V. Nguyen and C. Caloz,
"Broadband highly selective bandpass filter based on a tapered coupled-resonator (TCR) CRLH structure,"
Special issue Microwave Metamaterials: Theory, Fabrication and Applications, Proc. of the European Microwave Association, J. Eur. Microwave Association, vol. 2, pp. 44-51, March 2006.