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1ghz sine wave oscillator

时间:04-06 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi all, im looking for a sine wave oscillator that turns 'on' only when triggered by the rising edge of an external clock. any recommendations ?

Dear kcinimod
For sine wave oscillator at this frequecy , you'll have many ways , such as :
creating a 100 MHZ sine wave with crystal oscillator and then using some multiplier .
or using some microwave amplifiers and than taking a simple feed back to create your desired frequency , e.g gali series such as gali-5 .
Best Wishes

is there one component that itself can do the job ?

Yes , if you need high powers , the impatt diode or gun diode or terapatt diodes are good , but not for low powers .
But i think using a simple gali-5 ( which has 4 pin and it is compact ) with a simple feed back loop is good ( it's BW is about 5GHZ )
Best Wishes

Best way is to use PLL Synthesizer to generate sine way in which you will have a lot of freedom like you can use micro-controller trigger to customize it according to your desire.

1GHz oscillators are easily available.


To "turn the signal on" from a digital control signal, there are RF switches available in different configurations.

is there a pll synthesizer that takes in a digital clock and outputs a analog sine wave ?

PLL synthesizer uses a micro controller for the programming of the registers. You can apply your clock at the trigger port if MCU and can generate sine wave according to the rising edge.

What is your clock frequency?
What do you mean by "turn on"? Sine wave switched on/off by clock, or continuous sine wave phase-locked to the clock frequency?

my required sine wave output is 1GHz, same for the input clock freq. my intend was for the input clock freq (synchronisation clock) to drive the sine wave, however, when no clock is detected, there should not be any sine wave as well.

what is the frequency of your clock?

1GHz, similar to the required sine wave

Then it is very easy you can generate sine wave using low pass filter at 1Ghz on your clock and you will get a perfect sine wave sync with your clock and will appear when clock is available.

wouldn't it be difficult to get a "smooth" sinewave that is produced by an oscillator ?

You can get a good sine wave but when you have a clock of 1GHz then all what you have to do is to put a filter at first harmonic ad you will get the smooth sine wave and this is the standard practice.

is there a pll synthesizer or a certain logic system that can do the job ? just exploring other options.

No PLL is not required because you already have a clock that is locked and stable just put a low pass filter and an amplifier if you have some amplitude requirement.

This makes no sense.

Your digital signal already includes a perfect sine wave at 1GHz, if you remove the harmonic frequencies.
See fourier transform theory for spectral components of different signal shape.

I agree with Volker, your application is not at all clear. I think you would benefit by telling us more about your system.

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