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UHF RFID Reader Schematic

时间:04-06 整理:3721RD 点击:
I badly need an open source portable UHF RFID reader schematic. Can anyone share anything? If it's available in the internet, I can't find it, all I can find are modules... Pleeeease..

Thanks! =)

Final Design Project - RFID Proximity Security System

Uhmm.. That's an LF (125kHz) RFID system, with read range in the order of centimeters. I need a design for a UHF (around 900MHz) system because i'll be using it to detect tags upto 2 meters away...

But I'm kind of losing hope, I don't think there's an open source schematic available yet...

you need to have a very good antenna range that is not possible in commercial rfid products.... and 2meters is a big distance and i dont find any use of 900MHz until unless your requirement is like that...'

your design and finance will be more for achieving 2 meter range .. cost of each RFID receiver will be around 250S as the reader too will be complicated....

---------- Post added at 19:40 ---------- Previous post was at 19:39 ----------

check with the available modules... even most of the ready products dont offer 2 meters..

First UHF tag readers (designed in 1998 or so) used discrete components but their circuits where never available/shared through internet. Today some manufacturers, like EM Marin and Austriamicrosystems, have developed one chip solutions but you′ll have to go to their sites and fill a NDA document to get access to their information. Nevertheless, its a not easy task, you need to have some skills on RF and UHF to develop a circuit. Medium range readers dominate the market but some manufacturers claim a 8/15m reading range
High identification UHF Long Range Reader products, buy High identification UHF Long Range Reader products from alibaba.com
Passive RFID Reader with long read range up to 15 meters - passive rfid reader, long range rfid reader, rfid long range

UHF reader is a complex toy.
for low cost -
check austriamicrosystems - analog IC, analog semiconductors - Standard IC solutions and ASICs
exactly you need AS3990/AS3991/AS3992 chips - this will be a cheapest solution if you will produce under 1000 units. IC cost about S40 and some additional components ~S15.
AS3992 RF power is +20dBm, it's enougth for 1 meter with 6dBi patch antenna.

Portable solution means compact antenna means low gain .

For >2 meters you have to add 1 watt power amp IC , like RF2173, RF5110 or similar.
Antenna - ceramic or Rogers 6mm thick patch 7~8 cm square 2dBi gain.

AS399x EV kit with schematics are available, but costs ~S500-1500.

I you search only 1-2 readers - best way to buy one at digikey . Skyetek Inc SM-M7-00-UF , SM-M9-MH-UF-V30 priced about S200-300 .

Professional proven schematics and 2-14 dBi antenna designs are available , PM to me if you want it.

i am designing the same with AS3990/1....and Z8....help me if you find circuit.....

AS3990_EVK schematics



hey.....thanks very much great help..... but they are with AS3991 and i am using AS3990....
also i want to use at 922MHz frequency.....any idea what values i need for matching circuit...?

nothing to change for 922M

AS3990/1/2 have same pinout but 3990 lower RF power, check datasheet.
as3992 is claimed suitable for dense reader mode (DRM)

hi Kap5051,

did you get any luck? what is the read range you are getting, where did you find AS3990/2 . i am working on same kind of thing

your suggestion will be more helpful to me .

can some one advice me where i can get AS3990/Intel R1000 or Em4298 ? at lower price . i am living India and almost everything need to be import from outside country, Freight charges, Import Duty, conversion charges always go more than actual product value. if some one had purchase this ic before please advice where i will get it.

there is an open platform called WISP that works in this rage of frequency.
Intel is working on this platform and developed that and made a new platform called "MOO WISP" .

if you search in google, you can find it easily.

It has a very good documentation.

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