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Use of transponder for homemade project..

时间:04-06 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi friends

have anyone ever worked with transponders ?

its the chip that goes on most of car keys!

i was thinking of using this transponder for a homemade project

for instance, the circuit is always sending a signal to the transponder waiting for a response

just when the right transponder gives the circuit the right answer the circuit will do something i want

example: i get close to the door and then the door unlock!

or i write in the transponder some information that when the circuit reads means to turn on the kitchen light
something like that..

i have some knowledge about Assembly and have done some study about transponders
its not that hard do use

but i was looking for some "starter kit" for transponders..

has anyone ever saw or has heard of ?

sorry for the bad english

Try searching for RFID. There are standard systems with 13.56MHz being quite common. I believe there are development kits available.


i was looking for lower frequencies, but thanks anyway

Mouser has a dev kit, just search for 134.2khz. It is not cheap though, the kit is £300 : (

The low frequency ones tend to be larger. Texas Instruments do some 125kHz ones.



my research gave me this
dont know for sure what its exactly
just passing on

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