首页 > 研发问答 > 微波和射频技术 > 天线设计和射频技术 > Need clarification whether given project is low level or high level transmitter

Need clarification whether given project is low level or high level transmitter

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Design and implement an AM transmitter and receiver with carrier frequency in the range 700kHz to 1000kHz. The receiver should be superheterodyne type with IF of 455kHz. Audio input should be given to the AM transmitter using microphone, and the output of the AM receiver should be played on a audio speaker.

you haven't given any info with which to give a meaningful answer to your question
do you have schematics for this planned transmitter and receiver ?
what sort of power levels were you planning ?
do you have specific test equipment to check frequency, power and other essential factors ?
if it is more than ~ 1 W, do you have the appropriate broadcast licence to put a transmitter on the air ?


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