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VSWR Axial RAtio S11parameter

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello every one

As we know the value of the S11 parameter should be well below -10dB in order to matching antenna and we can find the bandwidth from this chart.

now, I wanna now about the VSWR and the axial ration charts ; like s11 parameter which amount of number is acceptable for matching antenna,(( for example for vswr below 2db?! and foe AR below 1 db?!))

and how can read the data from these chart for achieving the bandwidth?

Reconsider desriptions with correct terminologies.

AR(Axial Ratio) is a measure for polarization.
Do you surely mean polarization ?

S=Vref/Vinc <-> q=Eright/Eleft


thank you pancho_hideboo
first of all: what do you mean by this : <-> !means :sapce maybe? is it space?!

Then could you please analysis a vswr chart and AR chart for example and clearness

and how can find the type of polarization by AR chart?!

It means correspondense.

Relation between q and AR is same as relation between S and VSWR algebraically.

I can not understand your sentence at all.
Describe sentence with correct grammer.

I know Impedance Chart and Polarization Chart.
But I don't know what you want mean by AR chart.

I can not understand what you want to mean at all.
Describe correctly.
Can you understand polarization correctly ?

See V.H.Rumsey, et al.:"Technique for handling elliptically polarized wave with special reference to antennas", Proc. IRE, 39, 5, p.533(May 1951).

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