Smith Chart - S-Parameters Plot
can anybody let me know, how to plot s-parametes on smith chart for different frequencies.
There are many programs that can import S-parameters files and plot them on the Smith chart.
Here is a free one:
My basic question is with regards to smith charts.
Please look into the link and clarify my doubts regarding plotting of S-Parameters for different frequencies on smith charts. I have prepared a word document and attached it.
The link is View a file ♥ TwileShare
Frequency must be specified for any S-parameter measurements stated.
So, the software just read from the file at what frequency have to plot the parameter point.
The format of the real-imaginary S-parameter file usually is Touchstone format:
Sometimes, the program is doing an interpolation or extrapolation of plotted points at other frequencies than in the file.
====>>> that above link not contain the file ..., so can u please send that file on my mail id