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ADS, how to use .library extended model files

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:
I want to excess to some rf transistor models in Agilent ADS. I found a /RfTransistorLibrary.library file under ComponentLibs of ADS folder. Could any one help about how to import this file and use models inside

ADS will use these models library files automatically when you place the appropriate transistor in the schematic. You don't need to do anything more than that. Which version of ADS are you using?

I have 2011.10 version. I found some tutorials in which components from RF Transistor library used, like pb_nec_NE68133_19951001 . I want to follow the same steps. Although I have a /RfTransistorLibrary.library file under ADS folder I have no RF Transistor library or the component I mentioned under Library tree. Thanks for help

ADS2011.10 initial installation does not install component library.Look at
and install the library which you're interested in as Design Kit in ADS.(Use "Unzip and Install Design Kit" option in ADS mainframe.

Thanks a lot, works well

As BigBoss explained these libraries need to be unzipped and installed for your ADS 2011 workspace to be able to access the parts they contain. This is covered in the ADS manuals which explains how to enable the library for a new workspace and also how to add the library to an existing workspace.

See: Help > Topic and Index or F1 and the navigate to Components > Vendor Libraries and then any of the Vendor Component Libraries categories. All sections have a link to the "Procedure to use Vendor Component Library".

I have this problem too, and my ads version is 2009
what should i do to solve it. tnx

ADS2009, you need not to install the library externally, while installing ADS2009 itself, it takes automatically install library it self. Go to schematic window, search the display component library list in the top tool bar of ADS2009, and and double click on the display component library list, you will get the library list.

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