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Errors in ADS2011_10,While placing Components from Modelithics Library

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have installed the Modelithics Exampler Library to my ADS2011_10, If I browse library and start to place the components models from Library such as Capacitors. I am getting the errors, ERROR screen shot is shown.Can you help me anybody,how to overcome by this error.

Whatever modelithics components it is appearing in the Component palette list, easily can drop down to schematic.But read only library components in the library, if we begin to select and place the components from library to schematic, it is showing error of screen shot shown in posting #1.
Can you anybody help me to overcome the error, which is posted in the #1 posting.

In Modelithics SMT component library list, only first group component library elements are showing error, while placing components from library to schematic. But for remaining group of elements of modelithics, they are not showing any error, while placing components from library to schematic.
Screen shots are attached to First group and remaining group of Modelithics components.

If the library was not built correctly it would be possible for parts to be listed in the Component Library Browser that are not in the library. This would certainly generate an error trying to place such a component.

To be sure of selecting a part that is really in the library do not use that Component Library Browser but instead go to the ADS Main window and select the Library View (3rd) tab and under the Read-Only Libraries you should see all available Modelithics Librarie components. You can select/drag/place components from here just the same as you would using the Component Library Browser but now only available parts are listed and all should work.

RealAEL Sir,
What is the remedy for this problem. Whatever essentially library components I needed for my work, that group component library is showing error.Other group library components are not showing any error at all, those library group components are completely available in the Library view.But error showing library group components are not available in the Library view.
Sir you are helping like anything all problems regarding to ADS, if you are not there in EDA board, god only save to us. I request you to keep on helping ADS problems,other we will more disappoint with the ADS. Please help to all related ADS problem.
Now What is the remedy for error showing library components, it is evaluation version of the Modelithics Exemplar for ADS2011.10 installed to our ADS2011.10. If we want to away from this error showing library,do we need to contact Modelithics support for resolve this problem , otherwise how to resolve this problem , can you help me.

The library you are using contains only 9 different capacitors (3x ATC, 1x Epcos and 5x Murata), 7 different inductors (4x Coilcraft, 1x Johanson and 2x Toko) and 2 different resistors(2x KOA). There are no AVX or Johanson capacitors. Trying to use anything other than the specific components shown in the ADS Main window listing will definitely cause an error.

If you are expecting different components to be available then you need to contact Modelithics.

RealAEL Sir,
I contacted the Modelithics Support, they have given some instruction to follow it. Even I followed those instruction also not to avoid errors while placing MDLXCLR1 components posting #1,#2,#3 errors.
They told us following instructions
1) Check the size of the setup_MDLX_Exemplar_v11.0_ADS.exe is 2,98,750 KB.
Yes , downloaded the setup_MDLX_Exempler_v11.0_ADS.exe is 2,98,750 KB. There is no doubt, it satisfies the size.
2) Close ADS
Yes , I closed ADS2011.10 before clicking on setup.
3) Delete C:\Modelithics Folder
Yes, I deleted the Folder. Here I am getting doubt, whether I have to delete or uninstall Modelithics. As they said , I deleted the folder and click on the set up. I didn't uninstall it.
4) Reinstall the Exemplar Library
Yes , I reinstalled the exemplar library
5) Make sure the c:\modelithics\license folder only has 1 license file(attached file)
a) In this step , I have doubt. While installation itself one folder name flex is already present and also file mdlx.lic present.
b) What I did is, copy whatever Modelithics support sent mdlx.lic file. Earlier one mdlx.lic file deleted and retained the earlier Flexm folder pasted the Modelthics support sent file of mdlx. Even though I did like this also, I couldn't avoid the error of MDLXCLR1 components placing.
c) Above "b" step is not worked out. Next step What I did is, deleted the Flexm folder and copy and replace the mdlx.lic file. From this step also, I couldn't get without error of MDLXCLR1 library components.
6) Click on the my computer and select properties, In the properties I have chosen Advanced System Settings and click on the Advanced system setting and Chose the Environmental variable. In the Environmental variable, I chose user variable for users and click new and set the following variables.
Variable Value: C:\Modelithics\Exemplar\License.
Even I followed above steps also, I couldn't avoid the MDLXCLR1 component placing error still coming.
Relevant files are attached, Please help me, where I have done mistake. How I have to get install the modelithics exemplar library without getting errors.

There does not seem to be any problem with the completion of the installation procedure. The installer may have a problem and contain incorrect files. You are seeing the correct components in the Exemplar Library. It does only contain the parts I listed in my previous post and there are no AVX or Johanson capacitors. The only AVX component is a coupler (CP0603) and the only Johanson part is an inductor (L-05Cxxx). It does not contain all CLR Library parts.

You should be able to place any of the available parts using the Library View tab from the ADS Main window. If you look at the list of components using the Component Library Browser and that includes parts that are not listed in the Library View tab then Modelithics have got that part of the library configuration wrong. The records files for the browser contain parts that are not there and no matter what you do you will not be able to use these parts. It looks to me that perhaps Modelithics are shipping the record files for the full CLR Library but the Exemplar Library only contains a subset of the parts.

So if you use the Library View tab to select parts and place then into a schematic then the Exemplar Library will work correctly. If you want to use any parts from the CLR Library that are not in the Exemplar Library, i.e. the 'extra' parts listed in the Component Library Browser you will need to upgrade to the CLR Library from the Exemplar Library.

As you told,how to upgrade CLR Library from Exemplar Library. If we upgrade CLR Library from Exemplar Library,then we can drag and place the error showing components of MDLXCLR1 to Schematic.How to upgrade CLR Library from Exemplar Library,what option,we need to use.
Only solution for drag and place of MDLXCLR1components from Library to schematic is, Modethics support can only solve the problem,is it correct.

The Modelithics SELECT Library contains 4 capacitors, 2 inductors and 1 resistor. The Modelithics Exemplar Library contains 9 capacitors, 7 inductors and 2 resistor. None of these components are the ones that you are wanting to use. The only option therefore is to upgrade by purchasing a license for the full CLR Library.

From the screenshots, we can see that MDLXCLR library cells are not consistent with the elements in the component library browser. This could be a mistake by Modelithics (XML file that defines the list for the component library browser) or related to licensing/copy protection, or some installation issue. Modelithics support should be able to help you.

Modelithics Exemplar Library Sample components License, they have given me till end of August 2014 from July end of 2014. Now I tried to place the components from sample Modelithics Exemplar Library components to ADS2011.10 schematic.After placing the components from the Modelithics Exemplar Library sample components to ADS2011 schematic and ran simulation. It is showing error of feature CLRmdlx not licensed.
What we have to do without getting the error of CLRmdlx not licensed error after placing Modelithics Exemplar components to schematic and running simulation.How to extend Modelithics exemplar Library license without getting error.

That is the whole purpose of having licenses granted to the user by Modelithics. Once the license has expired the components will not simulate. You need to remove all Modelithics components from any design you wish to simulate. To enable the library components to simulate again you need to discuss this with Modelithics and obtain new codewords. Any attempt to force the current expired licenses to run, like turning the system clock back, will not work and is more likely to make things worse and also is not allowed by the licensing terms and conditions you agreed to when you obtained the original licenses. You could get into a lot of trouble if you try to do this.

To explain this more clearly. Your request is essentially asking for help in stealing a software license from Modelithics. You are asking how to use something you are no longer authorised to use. You will get no help from me to do this.

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