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VNA data interface with matlab or another pc

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear Sir,
Is there any way to get the phase measurement of my real time measurement from VNA to be stored automatically and used somewhere else either on VNA some other application or in matlab or to be transfered to another laptop or pc.

If your VNA is equipped with GPIB interface ( mostly used ) you can acquire your measurements by using MatLAB or HP VEE or NIs LabView programs.
Also, then you can plot these measurements or save the data in many format such as Excel, MatLAB graphics etc.

what is "HP VEE"?


If i want just the phase measurement of s11 at specific frequency on my pc matlab, what all things i need, and softwares i require?

If you have a PCB with MatLAB equipped with a GPIB card and a VNA, you can measure all kind of Sxx ( Phase,Magnitude,Imaginary,Real ,etc)
All you need is the Instrumentation Control Toolbox license..

Kindly, if you can tell me the complete description step by step.
Thank you.

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