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Double layer metalization crating layout problem using ADS2011.10

时间:04-05 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have created the double layer metalization using ADS2011.10. When I created schematic using ADS2011.10 and generated the equivalent layout for the schematic, generated layout is improper manner. Bottom layer MLIN is going away from the top layer MLIN'S,bottom layer MLIN is not attaching close to the top layer MLINS. I am getting this problem in ADS2011.10, but same I have done using ADS2009, I didn't get any problem, bottom layer MLINS is close to either side of the top layer MLINS.
How to make get closer to bottom layer MLIN to the top layer MLINS using ADS2011.10, why it is generating different layout in ADS2009 and ADS2011.10.
Screen shots are shown the double layer schematic and equivalent layout.

The VIAs are reversed. Pin 1 of the via is on the Cond1Layer side which appears to be the MSub1 side, i.e. TL1 and TL3. Either rotate the VIATTD symbols the opposite way or on both vias make Cond1layer=cond2 and Cond2Layer=cond2.

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