Is it possible to generate technology independent netlist for FPGAs?
I want to generate technology independent netlist for FPGAs. I used universal synthesizer like SynplifyPro for this purpose, but synplifypro ask for specific vendor and generates technology dependent nelists only.
Do vendor independent synthesizer is available for FPGAs which can generate technology independent netlists?
Do vendor independent synthesizer is available for FPGAs which can generate technology independent netlists?
A "technology independent" netlist would be a RTL netlist, not yet mapped to hardware and not neccessarily mappable. What do you want to achieve with it?
I want to do introduce some obfuscation module on high fan-out nets. To generate generic obfuscated netlist which can be implemented to any FPGAs, i need to convert the RTL code into vendor independent netlist file. Does such commercial tool exists?
Thank you.
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