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Design oscillator with linear small S parameters

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have a question about design oscillator with linear small S parameters.If you assume I use a Common emitter configuration and put my resonator at input port (Base/Emitter). After I select a Gama(G) in unstable region in input smith chart plane(for example Gama(G)=A<B (for example A=1)) and I map it into Gama(L) plane it is necessary that Gama(L) should be in unstable output region or only |Gama(L)| should be more than unity?
what is the best design ( |Gama(L)|>1 and be in unstable region or |Gama(L)|>1 and be in stable region )?

for a two port device it is fairly common that both ports have a negative resistance. But theoretically that might mean it oscillates at two different frequencies, or maybe even starts up at h wrong frequency. So it is best if the load port of the active device is unconditionally stable, and the resonator port of the active device is the only one with a negative resistance.

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