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How do I connect / couple an oscillator to a bridge circuit

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am trying to use a Colpitts oscillator followed by a common collector buffer to provide the sine wave to a bridge circuit (I plan to use the bridge to roughly measure a varying capacitor - C8). The output impedance of the oscillator and buffer is fairly low (if I have calculated it properly in LTSpice).

When I connect the bridge circuit directly to the oscillator (other side of the bridge is grounded) I think it shows that there is some significant loading of the buffer.

How can I overcome the loading effect and attach the buffer output to the bridge in a way that maximises the voltage across the bridge?

Besides output impedance which might be sufficient, loaded large signal output swing is apparently insufficient. You need larger class A bias current and probably a bigger transistor than BFR93A.

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