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S11 of a EBG msurhoom cell

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all ! I am trying to calculate S11 of my mushroom unit cell , i do not want to use the floquet port , I red somwhere that i can use a PEC in the Z + and - direction and in the side walls i can use PMC , with some radiation boundary or PML , but i think that i am doing some mistakes in the setup , some one know if i must use a wave port or a incident plane wave and can describe me how to setup this kind of simulation?



What software are you using?

Why not?

Are the mushrooms in X-Y?

To simulate at normal incidence, you could just assign a perfect H to one pair of side walls of the unit-cell, perfect Es to the other, and assign a waveport on the face normal to the mushroom surface. Don't forget to de-embed for proper phase information.

Hi PlanarMetamaterials , I am using HFSS , I can not use floquet port becouse there is a problem for the S11 , the problem is : if you add a substrate on the cell and you want measure the S11 at the surface of substrate HFSS show you strange results of S11 , I calculated the S11 with matlab using the trasmission line model and there are some big differences , so I wanted to try other ways to calculate the S11 , I solved the problem using a wave port and putting Perfect E along the X walls and Perfect H along the Y walls , I obtain the same results as floquet. Thx for your quickly answer

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