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Output stage of Signal generatro

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:

I want to design a sine wave signal generator with the following spes.

Frequency 10KHz-25MHz
Output level ±25 at 500ohm load

I want to use DDS like AD9954 etc.

The issue is in the amplification of the signal. I have found this circuit and want to change it according to my spec.

kindly explain the output stage of the circuit.

Is it possible to output level to ±25v while using the same op-amp LM7171 as it is specified for ±15V operation?


Simple answer: NO.


Thanks for reply

What type of amplifier is used in rf signal generators at output stage?

you need to find an op amp that can run off of at least +/- 30 volt supply rails, and that has a gain of at least 10 at 25 MHz. Digikey will have a lookup search function to find such a thing.

Thanks for reply.

Why we can't use different voltage levels for op-amp and the output stage?

Is it possible to use rf push pull amplifier?

There is an example "PD85004_PP_PA_II".

because the output of an Op-amp is limited by its supply voltage

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