impedance match on hardware level and ads stimulation
I'm interested to learn the impedance matching/tuning on a hardware with the helps on ADS stimulation.
Any material or case study/paper that i could download online and study the process of impedance matching/tuning.
For example, for transmitter development, i have a transceiver-PA-switch-duplexer-ant.
Let say i want to match the PA output to the ant to 50 ohm.
i starting by putting a calibrated pigtail on the PA output side, measure the original s11 of the transmission line with NA.
From there i could extract the s2p file and put it into stimulation.
yea, that pretty much i could think with my newbie knowledge.
Any detail and comprehensive document or paper i could study to master the whole process of s11 matching/tuning on hardware level with assistance on ADS stimulation circuit.
hi thanks for the reply.
can i said that matching circuit is also some forms of filter, which reject the unwanted frequency and pass through the frequencies of interest?
For example, you can reject image by using BandPass Matching before mixer.
i have a question, let say for designing a transmitter for GSM band 800.
I saw some designers can design the pi matching network with certain value of CAP and IND without running stimulation.
Is it because from the known transmit frequency, so they know what value of CAP and IND to put in to filter the unwanted freq and remain the transmitter frequency in the path ?
Describe correctly without any abbreviation.
Do you mean 800MHz band ?
What do you mean by "stimulation" ?
Show me detail of your PA.
Especially show me output configuration of your PA.
If your PA is a internal matching type, external pi network will be designed as bandpass filter or notch filter.
Anyway describe your situations in detail with correct terminologies.
here is a simple block of a transmitter.
The connector is a port to measure our conducted tx power, after these portion is antenna part.
The PA is internally matched.
How do i design my both my matching circuitry.
Is it by connecting the connector port to a 50 ohm termination and solder a pigtail between PA and matching circuit to look at the s11 to the antenna direction? then match the patch to 50 ohm?
I can not understand what you want to mean at all.
Describe correctly.
sorry for all these typo...
i think i got the idea after went through some study.
thanks anyway.