Help for AEL code << eye_height >>
The eye_height() function need the input arguement in the form of y = eye_height(Vout_time, Delay, BitRate, SamplePoint, WindowPct). Below is the format of my equation editor:
y = vt_tran(Vout, 0); //Vout is my output voltage and 0 represents the GND
EH = eye_height(y, 0 ps, 1 GHz, SamplePoint, 0.2);
What should be my SamplePoint in this case? I tried to input y[15] since I wanted to measure my eye height at 1ns, but It doesn't work. And by the way, how is AELHPvar structured in ADS? I can't figure it out. Any one can help me? Thanks.
y = vt_tran(Vout, 0); //Vout is my output voltage and 0 represents the GND
EH = eye_height(y, 0 ps, 1 GHz, SamplePoint, 0.2);
What should be my SamplePoint in this case? I tried to input y[15] since I wanted to measure my eye height at 1ns, but It doesn't work. And by the way, how is AELHPvar structured in ADS? I can't figure it out. Any one can help me? Thanks.
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