N-path filters & their flicker noise of clock generation
Hi guys.
I'm a master student. I designed a receiver using N-path filters for filtering & mixing input signals.
For driving the N-path filter switches, we need to design a clock genefration with 1/N % duty-cycle.
But in the total noise of receiver, we observe flicker noise of clock generation elements & it's significant.
How do I decrease it?
please help me.
I'm a master student. I designed a receiver using N-path filters for filtering & mixing input signals.
For driving the N-path filter switches, we need to design a clock genefration with 1/N % duty-cycle.
But in the total noise of receiver, we observe flicker noise of clock generation elements & it's significant.
How do I decrease it?
please help me.
flicker noise is a relatively low frequency effect that "upconverts" to the RF region. So if you can lower the flicker noise of the device itself, you will have less clock jitter. Some sort of audio frequency feedback loop to bias your oscialator transistor, keeping fets outside of their voltage range extremes, applying analog feedback either in the bias network or thru a PLL referenced to a low noise crystal oscillator, are all valid ways to try to fix it