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Direction of E-field and surface current density on a surface in HFSS

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, According to the relation j = σE, the current density and E-field should be in the same direction for real σ. But in HFSS the E-field plot and surface current density plot are always in opposite directions for every surface. Why is this so?

It's that was because you're looking at an ideal surface.

Inside a bulk medium such as a conductor, the electric field is in the same direction as the current. On the surface (i.e., at the interface between two media), the electric field in the second medium will typically be normal to the surface if the second medium is an insulator and the first medium is a conductor.

HFSS by default does not solve inside bulk metals; it treats only the surface as boundary conditions. If you want to see the fields inside, select "Solve Inside".

Yes inside a material it is showing both in the same direction. But I didnt understand why it is showing them in opposite directions on the surface. What do you mean by an ideal surface? The interface I am plotting them is between air and an insulator or between air and a resistive sheet.

By "opposite", do you mean all vector components are 180 degrees out of phase?

Yes exactly 180degree out of phase.

That, I'm not sure about. Do you have a phase shift assigned to either plot?

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