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Proximity Coupled X -Band Array Patch Antenna with Dual Polarization for Weather Rada

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi there,

I cannot reach my target resonant frequency at 9GHz. The highest I can get for this design using FR4 is at 7.6GHz but dual polarization only occurs around 6GHz. I have tried to increase and decrease the length and width of the patch of my array antenna but the highest value I can go is 7.6GHz. Any shape that I can use to increase my resonant frequency instead of focusing on the size of the radiator. By the way, I am doing orthogonal feeding to make it dual polarized. Attachment Antenna 1.pdf Please refer to the attachment of my antenna design. thanks!

Your feed look like strange. But to begin, you can only, with your software (CST ?) feed with ports at 90 phase shift you antenna array. Then , size you antenna to obtain the right resonant frequency. Better, size only one patch and after build your array. I think that at 9 Ghz the efficiency of your array will not be good with FR4 but normally you can reach the 9 GHz frequency.


Hi there,

Thanks for your reply. I am able to get 9GHz already but with 1x2 Array. However, it is true that by total efficiency of my both port is -3.9 to -4.5 and is very bad. Since like you've said I am using FR4, I am no choice but to use FR4 since I got that funded but not funded for duroid. Thanks by the way. I did try to change the location of coaxial port to increase the total efficiency. But there is too small area for me to allocate my coaxial port and hence I can't change much. By the way, what will happen if my total efficiency of both port is high? Is it going to cause anything during my measurement?

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