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How to use field replaceable SMA connector for best data.

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
I am using SMA field replaceable connector. It has working but not as per the supplier spec.
The concern is centre PIN which is separate part. It has to be insert while testing the connector and DUT (solder with PCB).
So if anybody have experience on this type connector please help me that how to use this for best measurement.
Thanks in advance.

Forgot to mention the manufacturer and type specification.

Supplier is Dynawave. Connector type is 4 hole square flange field replaceable connector. We need to insert the separate centre PIN in centre of the connector to get the launch. There I am missing something.

Typical mount is like this

See also https://belfuse.com/resources/Produc...2-1000-001.pdf for hermetic sealed pin details.

Hi, Thank you so much.
But already I have this information.
I am explaining my situation.
I separate centre PIN dia can be 11-16mil. I used 12mil. But Return loss data is only 15dB at 20GHz but specification is 20dB. So I am missing something.
Is there any common procedure to use field replaceable connectors?

Mentioning the exact problem from the start would be a good idea.

Looking at the supplied drawing, it's quite expectable that the high GHz return loss of the hermetic seal assembly is worse than of the basic SMA connector due to the center conductor discontinuity. You can check by modeling the geometry in an EM solver.

If you have a better specification for the assembly, are you sure that your design is complying with the manufacturer design in every detail? Did you check the return loss of the SMA cable plugs?

Yes. My test setup is good.
As you stated, discontinuity of centre PIN is a matter at high frequency (>5 GHz).
I came to enquire this because of this type connectors are supplying by all vendors. If so then there will be a root to get the best data.

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