Multiband Differential Rectifying Circuit (re symmetry or not)
Can anybody help me for designing a triple band differential matching unit for rectifying circuit. in literature it has been mentioned that for differential circuit matching unit should be symmetrical but in my case any how i am not able to design it symmetrically. is this necessary to design matching unit symmetrical for triple band differential circuit?
Please help me............
Symmetry is basically inherent to differential networks. Why do you think you can't use a symmetric design?
actually i have tried in all the ways but not getting symmetrical structure, like open stubs and radial stubs i have used for differential matching. with different dimensions.
It is EDA Tool Play or Actual Measurement ?
If it is EDA Tool Play, show us schematics, simulation setups and simulation results.
Especially, what s-parameter do you use for evaluating differential ports ?
Differential rectifier can be characteraized by {s11, s12, s21, s22}, if you don't care about large signal characteristics.
However characteraization of differential rectifier requires true large signal differential drive.
This is also true for EDA Tool Play, so single-ended 2-port LSSP analysis is not appropriate.
I think you do single-ended large signal 2-port SP-Analysis, so symmetry is lost.
There ls no relation between differential and multiband.