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CMOS Gilbert Cell Design

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone.

I am looking for a book or a paper that gives a design procedure for mixers in general and CMOS Gilbert cell in particular. I have Razavi's and Lee's books but they don't explain the design steps for Gilbert cell. I would really appreciate any help.

Thank you very much

Razavi has 2 books, I don't know which you referred, in the "Design of CMOS integrated circuits" the gilbert cell is mentioned, it gives some explaination, but in the "RF microelectronics - 2nd edition" mixers are explained much better in details.

In RF Microelectronics, it explains the concept but not the design.

I think these books cover the the knowledge to design a mixer, not step by step tutorial, but a Gilbert cell is 6 transistors basically. General CMOS design experience is necessary.
I cannot recommend you more, but take a look maybe at Jacob Baker's book, there is cahpter which is connected to what you want: 27.3.2 Multiplier Design Using Squaring Circuits, page 928

Thank you very much for the reference, frankrose.

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