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Exporting Impedance data from Harmonic Balance after Loadpull analysis in cadence

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am running load-pull analysis on a circuit for a range of frequencies in cadence. I need to use this data in other tools such as matlab. I wondering how to export this data in terms of impedances and plot the variation of optimum impedances with respect to frequency. Thanks.

What do you mean by "in cadence" ?
Use correct terminology.

Apologies... I am using Spectre simulator.

If you use MATLAB on Linux, use Spectre Toolbox.
If not, use Cadence Skill language for post processing of psf data.

See https://www.edaboard.com/showthread.php?375833

I didn't exact answer to my question. In spectre, I performed loadpull by sweeping mag and angle in HB simulation. Now I want to save this data directly in terms of obtained impedances. Even If I save, it saves somethings like this

I want to get the points like this. SO I need data in terms of impedances. Also what are the Yre and Yreimag?they dont seem like the value of mag variable that I swept. Also 360 degree is not the angle where I found my optimum point.

Show me OCEAN scripts you use.

I didn't write any script. I got that plot from "direct plot"

Any operation is done by Skill language.
Simply you can not understand anything.

Don?t use Cadence ADE Direct Plot blindly without understanding background Skill language and data structure of PSF.

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