Frequency tripler model in VerilogA
Hello all,
I am trying to model a frequency tripler in VerilogA by using and modifying an upconverting mixer model ( also in Veriloga ).
Instead of multiplying the baseband signal and LO, I am multiplying an input 9GHz signal in order to get an output signal of 28GHz.
For the mixer model, there is a parameter about the mixer gain ( which is conversion gain I guess ), and I want to also model that in the tripler model.
This "conversion" gain should be the (voltage/power) difference between the input's 1st harmonic and output's 3rd harmonic?
I am trying to model a frequency tripler in VerilogA by using and modifying an upconverting mixer model ( also in Veriloga ).
Instead of multiplying the baseband signal and LO, I am multiplying an input 9GHz signal in order to get an output signal of 28GHz.
For the mixer model, there is a parameter about the mixer gain ( which is conversion gain I guess ), and I want to also model that in the tripler model.
This "conversion" gain should be the (voltage/power) difference between the input's 1st harmonic and output's 3rd harmonic?
Yes, as far as your concerns are sinusoidals.