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How to define a port for a stripline network in IE3D?

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi ,

i am trying to do a unequal power divider ( T-junction ) in IE3D using stripline configuration.But i really don't know how to define port for a stripline network ,because unlike a microstrip which has one signal and one ground STRIPLINE CONFIG. HAS GROUND PLANES ON BOTH TOP AND BOTTOM OF SIGNAL LINE.So, someone kindly tell me how to define a port in case of stripline power divider.

eagerly waiting for ur replies

with regards

Hi, abhi:

If you want to model the stripline with infinite ground plane, you should model it exactly like microstrip structures. The only thing diferent is in the substrates. Please define your substrates similar to:

No.2. Ztop = 1.0e+20 mils, Er = 1, Sigma = 4.55e+7
No.1. Ztop = 40 mils, Er = 4.0, Sigma = 0
No.0. Ztop = 0 mils, Er = 1, Sigma = 4.55e+7

The above example defines a stripline substrate configuration with ground planes at z = 0 and z = 40 mils.

You can define your strip at z = 20 mils. Please note that thickness is very critical to stripline structure. You may want to create the thickness model for it if you want high accuracy. For a 1.4 mil thick trace, you can define the trace at z = 19.3 mils and grow thickness to 20.7 mils. Please read the IE3D User's Manual on this topic.

Best regards,

hi Jian,

in the above case as far as i have understood the port for infinite ground plane stripline structure can be defined as same as the microstrip case (i.e. it may be a extension for mmic port).

Is it true?

plz give ur comments on this.

with regards

yeah it' strue u have to model the thing carefully
why dont u try wipl-D or HFSS..those are more accurate

Hi, abhi_kolkata:

Yes. You can use the EXTENSION FOR MMIC port or ADVANCED EXTENSION PORTS. They are of high accuracy for stripline structures. For microstrip structure, the ADVANCED EXTENSION PORTs are more acccurate at high frequency. In fact, the ADVANCED EXTENSION PORT scheme can replace the EXTENSION FOR MMIC scheme for all the cases. Regards.

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