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Troubles with the HFSS 10 Again !!

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All,

I really cant find the suitable words to thank you about your continuous support , that was is really very kind of you.

i found some confusing check boxes in the solution setup (under the eigenmode solution type) that i don't know if i should check them or leave them without checking, these check boxes are:

Π Converge on real frequency only
Π Do Lambda Refinement
Π Use free space lambda
Π Use low-order solution basis

I tried to read the user manual to figure out what those do but i found it confusing.

Would you please also give me some suggested values to set up those parameters if i need to simulate the following:

1- A simple Cylinder with 4cm radius and 2cm height that operates in the range of 1 GHz to 26 GHz.
2- A magnetron cavity that works in the range of 9 GHz to 30 GHz.

Thank you so much in advance for helping me again

Best Regards,

about ur question 1
i think u dont undrstand how work eigenmod
i send u aexample of rectangular cavity from balanis electromagnetic book
and simulation of this example
solution in book
resonant frequncy=9.28Ghz & Q=7758
solution in HFSS
resonant frequncy=9.2707Ghz & Q=7777.9
this example can help u undrstanding eigenmod
note that the real part of frequency in eigenmod is resonant frequency and image part depend loss of matrial and determinant Q factor

i simulate a simple cylinder R=4cm & h=2cm and assume ur matrial is pec(perfect electrical conductive)
resonant frequncy(firstmode)=2.8642GHz and Q is not available becuse material is pec (without loss)
i send u 2 simulation and image of example in balanis in a zip file
excuse me my english is not good

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