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Re: Band gap source in HFSS

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I read in a paper " A Varactor-Tuned Active-Integrated Antenna
Using Slot Antenna " Dong-Hyuk Choi and Seong-Ook Park, Member, IEEE

The simulated radiation patterns were calculated by using the gap source technique, in the commercial electromagnetic high-frequency structure simulator [8], in consideration of the complete series-feedback active antenna which had the same layout except for the active transistor.
Does anyone know the gap source technique in HFSS, and how to simulation with this kind of technique.
Thnak you for reading my topic

Added after 13 minutes:

You know I want to put a port in this circuit so that I can get the S parameter and radiation pattern. I must break the feed line of antenna because I do not know where to put the port using gap source technique. Do you know where to put the port in this case .

I attach with this HFSS file

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