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photonic band gap structure (PBG ) modelling

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Has anyone tried to model a photonic band gap (PBG ) structure in IE3D or HFSS ? If yes , can you please share the resources you have , associated with the modelling aspects ? Thanks a lot.


or microwave studio?

Hi irfan1,

if you have some good+easy reference where all dimensions and required parameters are available, pls post it here then maybe we can all try to formulate an example and obtain results based on that?

I have one link and I will be trying to work on that for the moment:


Hi Irfan and Element7k,
Also , I know only that as a first approximation the centre frequency of the band gap will correspond to c/(2*a) , a= spacing between the air gap centers ( unit cells in general ) . How do I actually calculate the entire gap so thatI can make sure that the antenna operating frequency will fall properly in this band ? Can you give me any tool or analytical result to help calculate the band gap ? Do any one of you have access to the book "Photonic Crystals : MOlding the flow of light " by Joannopolous et. al.Thanks for your time.


please check the attached paper. It would be interesting to compare the simulation results with the experiment results. I have the FDTD results for this paper and they agree quite well.

I think there is a free tool from MIT university. http://ab-initio.mit.edu/mpb/ . As far as I know it is for linux.
You may also check this page http://www.pbglink.com/software.html

to irfan 1: I cant download your paper attached, would you please send me a copy to my email box?
Thank you so much

please check the attached paper

Dear svarun , irfan1 and ...

Sorry for my unrelated topic,

as you know, it is very common to use PBG (or in general EBG) substrates in new wideband microstrip antenna to enhance antenna efficiency (specialy bandwidth) by suppressing the surface waves. but may you introduce me another application of PBG structures in antenna technology.
thanks alot.

Can you send me your Matlab program for FDTD? Thanks in advance..

Anyone got any CST examples for two dimensional periodic metal structures? Please help.

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