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Parametric farfield calculation

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Please can any body help me how I can run a parmeteric simulation in CST , and plot the 3D farfield for every change in a table so i can switch from 1 to the other ?
thanks in advance

Hi grandizer!

Do the follow:

1. Add one (or more) Far Field monitor in a given frequency
2. In Solver setting (Transient Solver for exmaple) click the Par. sweep button
3. In the Add watch.. select Postprocessing template
4. Choose Add new Postprocessing step... -> Farfield (Single freq)
5. There you can set the FarField Pattern units (dB/linear) angles of radiation ...

That's it.

Don't forget to add the parametric sweeping at the Sequences section.


Thank you for your reply
I would like to tell you that this procdure is used for 1D plot and using the cartesian coordinate , and my question is how to plot [b]3D farfield parametrized ..
In any case thank you again for your help..

Hello again, grandizer !

You were right, this proecdeure is suitable for 1D plots (but not only in cartesian coor.).

What you will need to do is to program your own template by selecting the Userdefined item in the Add watch... menu.

There you can put some commands (in the Visual Basic programing environment) for calculting any 3D farfiled in the currently paramter value (which is sweeping).

For a help on the VBA environment, go to Help -> VBA language help

Good luck !

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