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时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi there!
Does anybody have experience in modelling left-handed materials by FDTD method?

We are using Fullwave from Rsoft. I tried to simulate LHM structures by fullwave. But it turned out to be very memory consuming and very slow. I asked about this issue to the company. They will add local meshing capabilities to fullwave in the near future. So I think when this is added it will be possible to simulate LHM structures in fullwave. At the moment what you can try is the following. Set up a unit cell composed of one or two layers of LHM material and use the periodic boundary conditions. This will reduce the memory requirement significantly. I hope this helps.

Remcom claims that its xFDTD can handle LHM. There is a sample on their website.

please check the attached paper. Some of the LHM simulations in this paper are done by Rsoft's fullwave.

LHM can be simulate by xfdtd6.0 !
but i can't get it !
can you help me?

I also want to slimulate LHM in FDTD.
But don't know how to do it.
Can anyone give some example for me. Thanks

me too....

Can anyone give some example for me. Thanks

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