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Help me with scaling a FDTD with range of 100km

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
please i need help to solve this problem

i need to simulat an optical fiber one dimension in FDTD but with i take the materieal to be dispersive and nonlinear and i need to get the electric field at very large distance like 100 km but in simulation i can not simulat this large domain so i need to make some scaling to the material to get the same effect of large distance
please guide me in this to get this scaling or to solve this problem by any method


Usually in such cases, I get the fields after the feed point by a certain distance at which the radiation modes are already negligible, use the near to far transformation to obtain the field at large distances. Some Near-to-Far transformation schemes can include lossy or dispersive materials. However I do not think that any of them can include nonlinearities.

i think Near-to-Far transformation schemes will not help in this problem i thinking in scaling to scal the effect of large distsnce in small distance
but i do not know how can i make this scaling

Added after 2 hours 41 minutes:

I found in internet paper that agrre to my idea scalling but i can not dowenload it please tray to get it to us
the paper in this link



another idea i want to discuss it

what about frequency scaling,
i.e. to scale freq. by a factor to increase it hence we can increase dx in FDTD and simulate a large scale

Are you sure there is such an "easy" way to simulate electrically large structures ? If this was the case, (just by scaling), we can scale so many difficult problems (such as reflector antennas as a very famous example) and there wouldn't be that large number of people using the hybrid techniques for simulating such structures. :)

I will try to get the paper you asked, but I do not think it is talking about scaling with the concept you are talking about.

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