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patch antenna array feed

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

IN IE3D i'm trying to design a 10 element array of microstrip patch antennas(having a parasitic patch layer of 10 patches, too, for Bandwidth enhancement - stacked patches) with a simple microstrip corporate feed n/w and taylor 40db amplitude taper for elements, for 3.2-3.4ghz band.

The antenna array (bottom direct microstrip fed layer) and the feed are on the same side of PCB(with other side being ground plane) and a seperate PCB is used for top parasitic layer with 6mm air gap in between.

Now my questions are:

1. the structure seems to be very big( approx. length:740 mm at 3.3 ghz & width: 75mm) for my system(pentium 4 & 512mb RAM) to simulate it within any reasonable time with the default SMSI matrix solver.Should i ,in this case, go for any other matrix solver (may be AIMS) for the simulation.OR should i seperately simulate the ( 10 stacked patches) and (the power divider) and then combine the results in modua to see the full response(but will it take patch & power divider coupling into account)? I need a side-lobe level of 25dB for sure.

2. Is it possible for such a coplanar feed and antenna structure to achieve a 25dB side-lobe level(BECAUSE FEED RADIATION MAY DEORIATE THE ANTENNA RAD. PATTERN AND EVENTUALLY THE SIDELOBE LEVEL) or should i go for power divider in some layer below the patch covered with the patch ground plane?

I hope i am sufficiently clear in defining my problems and questions.

So if u have any idea of how i can achieve these objectives kindly reply on this forum.

with best regards

Hi, abhi:

You shouild try the GEMS-F solver and AIMS II and AIMS III solvers. They should not require much RAM for a 10-element array. Our benchmark example shows only about 120 MB is required for a simple 8 by 8 patch array with feed network. You have stacked patches. You can consider it as 20 elements. It is still much smalelr than 8 by 8. The IE3D FASTA released in IE3D 11.5 may reduce the RAM requirement significantly. For the 8 by 8 array, it takes about 70 MB. If you can't get it work, please send it to me (jian@zeland.com) or support@zeland.com. Regards.

u can try HFSS and ansoft designer.

In HFSS u can simulate aray and feed seperately ..store the data and then use designer to get complete results..it will give quite accurate idea

上一篇:Setting parameter IN CST ?

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