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lincalc patch antenna

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am Saqib. I was trying to simulate a 2.45GHz patch antenna on HFSS v9.0. I m not sure if the results are correct or not.

(1) Design parameters,
L = 32.92mm, W=41.36mm, h=1.58, RO4003
yo= 9.93mm, Zo=50ohms with coax feeding, fr=2.45GHz
The results, I obtained using HFSS and Air filled coax, seems to be similar as we found in Balanis (14) as far as far field raditation is concerned. But when i got dB(S11) plots, it was not centered at 2.45GHz but around 2.38GHz. Can anybody explain Why it was so. Secondly, the plots of Real(Z11) and Im(Z11) showed such deviations around fr as well resonance occured at lower value than expected. Can anybody give reason?

(2) The same parameters I used second time. But this time using Microstrip fed Patch. It is not working properly at all. I think i m not assigning waveports correctly. I used Wo=Wf=3.66mm and Lo=18.5mm as i got these values from LinCalc for microstrip lines. I used a ground plane as well of thickness hs=hg=0.2765mm. can anybody explain how to make it work? and where i can find working examples on this topic. I need it urgently!

(3) Third problem, what effect a slit in patch is giong to produce? Is a slit design possible only with a microstrip feed or is it also with coax. I m not referring to slot antennas in which slots act as coupler between microstrip and patch! I mean microstrip and patch are directly connected but there is a slit or opening in patch.

(4) Whats the concept and how is it possible to make a dual resonant patch antenna?

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