momentum simulation of combline filter
I would like to simulate a tunable combline in EM simulator but I realize that it is difficult to simulate a circuit wich contain both lumped and distribued component. Does somebody have a trick to help me with my problem?
Thank you
1.Add ports for lumped components in your layout
2.simulate layout using momentum
3.approach 1:
make schematic based on s-parameters data component + lumped elements,
approach 2: make layout component using option from momentum menu and make schematic based on layout component + lumped elements
4.simulate schematic
You can simulate the combline filter or cavity filter in 3D simulator like HFSS.
1 create the filter in the HFSS
2 add lump port on top of each resonaor
3 add tap line and wave port
4 simluate it and then export the S-parameter into linear simulator like ads or designer 2.2
5 attach port to the wave port , attach capacitors to the lump port
6 the capacitor can tune the freq of the resonaor
finally add 1/4 wavelength transsimison line to adjust the coupling for better return loss
Hope it helps