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momentum post process

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

When I use the post-processing visualizaton to check the current ditribution of a spiral inductor. The figure only show several discreted highlight triangles along the trace. But for another spiral inductor which is litter bigger it can clearly show the coutinuous highlight currents crowding at the inner side of the spiral.
Is there any possibility for the post processing failed to showed the exact currents?Beacause the S parameter results seems has no problems. Thank you.

try to plot current arrows, it represents even very minute density,

In fact, the current arrows show the same results, the current is very little at most of the area of the spiral (small blue arrows) and some discrete strong currents ( Big red arrows) were found at several points along the spiral. It is very weird.

Try to increase the mesh significantly.

change the display properties of the graphic

if you use ads .

I have tried increasing the mesh density, but nothing changed. I have checked the arrow plot. It seems still got same problem.

why don't you try my method

it works well

Deer heejing:
I didn't understand what do you mean. Could you explain your method in detail. Thank you.

you use ads

so at the left hand of the control

above the "display properties "button

0----0e+00000 (blue)

360-----xe+00xxx (red)

change the x ,and "enter"

the Contrast ratio is changed

you'll get it

I have tried to disable mesh reduction and get a much more dense mesh, and this time the currents' show is more reasonable.
Heejing, your method is good,and make the currents more clear.
Thank you, my friends.

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