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Help!!! coupled square patch antenna!

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

For my final exam I have to designe array (2x2) with coupled patch antenna.
Antenna: between two substrates (down-epsilon=2.55, up-air) is feed line, and on top is feed patch. I have some trouble finding materials about this issue so I would appreciate if you send me anything about this subject.
Especially if you have some formula for finding right position for feed line (impedance of antenna need to be 200ohma => array(2x2) 50ohma), and for width of it couse I'm not sure am I using the right fomula couse my result(for width) is, my oppinion,to small. Hm...

I'm doing it in HFSS.

My mail is: petrahaj@yahoo.com
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