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hfss primitive programming

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

i want to simulate a spiral antena (archimedean spiral) , but i don't really know wat software( IE3D or HFSS or MATLAB - available )should i use to creat the geometry and simulate it with some good accuracy.Creating the archimedean spiral geometry seems to be a big problem to me.So i'm loking for some advice and opinions and possibly some software tutorial notes frm u .

hoping for ur replies.

thanking you

with regards

many softwares may be used for this antenna, however if you are planning to get a wide frequency response from it, you will have to use either MoM such as IE3D or FDTD software such as Microwave Studio or XFDTD

in case of IE3D you may create the geometry on MATLAB and export it by writing a small program to create a .3dt file

in case of microwave studio, you may create a spiral shaped curve and create a trace from it

abhi_kolkata shalom,

(Proper Disclosure: I work for Ansoft rep in Israel)

A) In HFSS the spiral can be drawn in three ways:
1) Use the built in Spiral operation (that sweeps any crosssection along a spiral)
2) Use the built in Equation curve (that can be used to sweep the cross section)
3) Program your own spiral using C++ (Called User Defined Primitive).

B) HFSS allows you to study different groundings (or cavities) behind the antenna.

C) In addition the mesher (that cuts the geometry into polygons) can be instructed how accurate should it trace the spiral geometry. The solver can achieve any accuracy you whish since it has an error criteria that you define (the default is 2%).

D) With HFSS you can simulate also the feed structure.

E) And last (but not least) you have two frequency sweep options. The fast sweep is good when Fmax/Fmin < 5. If you require a broader sweep use the interpolating sweep. In any case, you can use fine frequency steps and a broad frequency range, without sacraficing simulation time.


do you know that how we could draw spiral antenna with equation based drawing?

HFSS v10.1.1 and above comes with a UDP that is suitable for spiral antennas. (Draw->User Defined Primitives)


i see that hfss has "equation based" that no text or any help proposed by ansoft! for it

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