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hfss fractal

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
has someone any model made on hfss or ie3d about koch fractal dipoles or monopoles. Could you upload it please? thanks a lot!

i am working on the same topic and seeking for a help , i read some participations about seirepinski and other fractals , i get a matlab code that generate the koch but still need the most important thing that is how to analyz e it using HFSS ,,, if u get new thing about that plz send here , and thanks in advance

is your problem how to remotely run HFSS trough a matlab script? If so, I will upload you an example file I got.

no , actually my problem is how to implement and analyze it using the HFSS environment , i am trying , but not succeeded , i am beginner in HFSS ! can u help in that ?!

Sorry, I was out of town. For the fractal antenna, you can either draw it with Autocad and export it to HFSS or draw it with Matlab and use the macros of HFSS.

Added after 22 minutes:

nqur3an, I think you should do the example of HFSS 10 and after mastering it, you can do your own simulation. If you have some question with HFSS, it would be a pleasure to help you.

Couless , Thanks for cooperation :
i am trying to begin by doing the examples of the manual , but always encounter the same problem , which is the following :
[error] Initial mesh, process mesh3d : Error while opening or writing the mesh files.
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine.

some ppl tell me that it is related to the license file , what do you think ?

Hi, All:

1. I noticed a paper using IE3D for the design of Kock Monopole:

G. Tsachtrsiris C. Soras, etc. "A Printed Folded Kock Monopole Antenna for Wireless Devices", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol 40, No. 5, March 5, 2004.

Please check it.

2. Regarding generating the model of the structure from Matlab or other general math tools, I do have a suggestion for you.

a. You can use any general tool to create the series of vertices along the center line and save the vertices as an ASCII file with 4 columns.

x y z 0

The 4th column is always "0" for this purpse.

b. Then, on IE3D/MGRID, please select INPUT/CREATE AND EDIT VERTICES and import the vertex series into IE3D/MGRID.

c. Select Adv Edit->Build Path and provide the width of the path, you will be able to create the shape easily. There might be option of the corners. Please choose sharp corner or other for the slight variation.

You can use the above procedure to build complicated wire antennas too. Instead of using Adv Edit->Build Path, you should use Adv Edit->Build Wire Path command. The command is quite powerful. You can choose to define a port at any vertex of the series as you like. For example, if you have a wire antennas with loads (R or C, etc), you can use the above way to build a wire antenna with many ports on the wire and you can use MODUA to connect lumped R's and C''s to the antenna. Just want to give you some tips.

Best regards,

couless , thanks for asking , i formatted my pc installing xp and hfss 9.2 instead of vista and hfss 10 . it is working now ,, but still learning how to use it ...
jian ,,, thanks for cooperation , i will check that paper even though i haven't any knowledge about that software .

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