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AMC,EBG surface for 1.5GHz

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anyone have any designs for a AMC or EBG surface in HFSS that I can look at that work at 1.5GHz..



Any help would be good?

hi petrus,i simulate ebg under cst,i have some examples,at 10 ghz,what ur project?here paper could help u

maybe it would be easier if you specified constraints of your porblem, resp. what you would like to do. If you eg. want to suppress the surface wave by dielectric EBG, you would need very high permittivity (approx. several tenth, or hundreds) to get reasonable size for 1.5 GHz.

hi petrus,i simulate ebg under cst,i have some examples,at 10 ghz,what ur project?

hi abdoeng can you send me some examples at any freq (under cst, file archive or just mod files).

thanks alot .

hi bbvv,here horizontal diploe on ebg (paper of yahia rahmat sami)

thanks alot abdoeng.

hi abdoeng, I would like one surface who work at ~~ 65GHz, pls send to me if you have, thanks !

hi cuongtran,i so sorry i operate up to 15 ghz,why u want at 65 ghz?

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