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ebg simulation

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All
I used reflection phase and disperision diagram to simulate a unit-cell EBG structure in HSFF. I also tried to obtain the S11 and S21 of the EBG, but I could not get close results (resonant frequency) as predicted by the other two methods (reflection phase and disperision).So, I want to ask how to get the S parameters of the EBG structure.

THank You!

Hi. If you attach you desing may be I could help you. I can tell you that you have to define most of the parameters (dielectric loss tangential, lande G factor, etc) in order to obtain the better response. Greetings

jose,how i define master and slaves in hfss,error to select two faces in air box and define them as master,error message appear to me,says u must only select one face,if u have any tutorials of hfss in ebg, of u pls upload it ,tell us how to define master ,slaves pml,plane wave
thanks for help

Hi Jose
Please help me to improve my setup.
Here is my attatched field

the paper states the bandgap is between 2.1-2.6GHz
but from my simulation, the bandgap, defined as the reflection phase between
-90 deg and +90 deg, did not match.

hi wwwaaa,how i setup master and slave that hfss says u can select only one face to be master not 2 faces at same time?

hi wwwa, i saw the overlap between pefE and pefH;
i will back

Added after 7 minutes:

I don't understand what you want to compare between your unit-cell and your EBG coz the dimention is absolute different, and you must to note the dimention of the condition symetric of Hfss too.

HI abdoeng
you can not set two faces as master at the same time. Like a square, first, set one face as master and the opposite-side face as slave. For the other two faces, repeat the prcedure above, set one as master, the other one as slave.

Added after 44 minutes:

Hi cuongtran
thank you for your reply
I have updated the simulation.
I hope you can give me some suggestion.
thank you

another one thing, you can change your f solution (follow me it s nearly equal the value of the f res)

Added after 3 minutes:

i just tryed with f sol = 2GHz, it is better so you can take 2.3 or 2.5 ...

Hi wwwaaa, unfortunatly I can′t open the hfss file you uploaded. Can you open it?. It has an error. Greetings

Hi jose
I tried to download the rar file, and extract it.
there is no error to open the hsff.
can you try again?
thank you

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