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Regarding: waveguide filled with dielectric on 2 ends of it.

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,

My name is Yashwanth, I have a problem in simulating(HFSS) a waveguide filled with 2 dielectrics in x-direction, and the waveguide is infinite in z-direction, and the dimensions are 22.86(X-axis) x 10.16mm(Y-axis). So we have dielectric on the ends in the x-direction,and we have LSEx-10 mode as dominant mode. If we choose the depth of the dielectric at 10GHz as 6.8465mm calculated from the formula d= λ/4*√εr-1; where ?=c/f; f=10GHz,εr=2.2, we should get uniform field in between the dielectrics. And at other frequencies for the dielectric width of
6.8465mm as above we should not get the uniform field, but iam getting the uniform field for every frequency i used from(8-12GHz).

Could anyone tell me why iam getting this.? Iam attaching Wg picture to this
thank you,

hi yaswanth

the prb is not unds'ble could u explain it clearly.(what do u mean by uniform field at 8-12ghz)

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