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experimental procedure for S-parameters of metamaterials

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

I want to measure the S-parameters of a metamaterial unit cell using network analyzer. The dimensions of the unit cell are 5mm x 5 mm x 0.5 mm. Can you tell me about free space method and waveguide method for measurements?

hi,i think u can use 2 standard horn ,one for tx,other for rx,surround ur cells by absorber materials ,u can reflected signal and transmitted s11,s21,s12,s22
i hope it help u
what is ur applications,i so interested in metamaterials,i will be the title of my thesis,i hope we can share our experience here,i use cst,and u?

I think its much better to fabricate two same antenna (one for RX and one for TX) and then measure S11, S21 etc


I think horn antennas are not suitable because my sample dimensions are very small. So i think it is better to use waveguide method, but in this case my sampe is too small to place it in the waveguide. Thats the main problem. Any comments?

I use HFSS in simulations.

Why don't you increase the size of your structure while maintaining its periodic characteristics? I think it will be easier to mesure.

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