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How to find radiation pattern in IE3D?

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all
I need a help in IE3D, actually i simulated a two port device in IE3D ,after simulation i got the s-Parameter graph window and pattern view window , now in the graph window im using the Display toggle and match terminating any one of those two port and used the simulate option in that graph window under process option in that window ,now is it possible to get radiation pattern for this matched terminated s-parameter charateristics

Thx in advance

Hi bharathims,
excuse me but I didn't understand what is ur matter.
which IE3D version do u use if it is 10 upload ur file I will help you to get the radiating pattern

Hi, Alberich:

You can use MGRID+MODUA+PATTERNVIEW to find the radiation pattern of a structure connected to lumped elements.

First way:
1. After IE3D simulation with saved current distribution, you can connect the s-parameters with other ones (s-parameters and lumped elements). Then, you select PROCESS->SIMULATE AND FIND EXCITATION. You define the proper excitation and termination on the MODUA ports. Then, you select FILE->SAVE EXCITAIOTN FILE to save the .ECT file.
2. On MGRID displaying the current, you can select PROCESS->PATTERN CALCULATION. You attach the .ECT file to the excitation and you can find the radiation pattern with all the elements connected.
An alternative is that you can select EDIT->PROCESS GENERAL PATTERN in PATTERNVIEW and provide the .ect file for the pattern with the excitation conditions.

Second way:
This is a more general way. You can connect IE3D structures and s-parameters and lumped elements on MODUA. Then, you select PROCESS->SIMULATE. Please check PATTERN CALCULATION, you will be able to find the radiation pattern of ALL THE IE3D GEOMETRY in the MODUA schematics (not just one, but all .geo files) with the excitation condition defined.

Best regards,

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