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How to set the boundary under a patch antenna with a finite

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:
hi, folks:

Here's what I did. Draw the substrate box, the patch, the ground, a coaxial line feeding from the buttom and finally an air box surrouding them.

Now the problem is:
If I set the 6 faces of the airbox to the radiation boundary, and let the air box big enough to contain the whole coaxial line, HFSS will complain something like "A wave port may not be overlapped by faces of 3D objects that require solving inside on both sides of the port".

If I let one end of the axial line outside the air box, and set all 6 faces of the air box to the radiation boundary, HFSS complains something like the boundary conditions overlapped.

If I let one end of the axial line outside the air box, and set 5 faces of the air box(leaving the one under the ground) to the radiation boundary, HFSS goes without a problem. But doesn't HFSS threat that face, which touches the BACKGROUND, as a PEC?

Now, I draw another rectangle right on the buttom face of the air box, then substract the coaxial line and set the rectangle as the radiation boundary, along with other 5 air box faces. It seems working.

Is that the right way to simulate a patch antenna with a finite ground?


This site will help you http://www.emtalk.com/tut_1.htm

plz post here your structure so we could see it .

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